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Human Rights Policy


Sprout Social is committed to respecting human rights. Our company operates globally and has employees around the world. Our customers, employees, stockholders, and vendors represent virtually every race, national origin, religion, culture, political philosophy, and language. Where we have identified adverse human rights impacts resulting from or caused by our business activities, we are committed to provide for or cooperate in their fair and equitable remediation. This Human Rights Policy applies to Sprout Social and its subsidiaries.

Right to Privacy

Sprout Social is committed to protecting privacy rights. As part of this commitment, we maintain rigorous data security standards to ensure that the information we are entrusted with is appropriately protected. We also promote data transparency and control by helping individuals access, delete, or correct personal information we may maintain about them through data subject access requests. You can read more about our privacy practices in our Privacy Policy.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At Sprout Social, we’re committed to building a diverse team, fostering an inclusive culture and investing in equity across our organization. This is reflected in our DEI report and Initiatives. We are also committed to equal opportunity and are intolerant of discrimination and harassment. We strive to maintain work environments that are free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable law. The basis for recruitment, hiring, placement, development, training, compensation and advancement at Sprout Social is qualifications, performance, skills and experience. We do not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind. Harassment is not tolerated in the work environment and in any work-related situations outside the work environment. This is reflected in our Code of ethics and Conduct.

Wages, Hours, and Benefits

Sprout Social believes that every worker has a right to compensation that is sufficient to meet basic needs and provide some discretionary income. We compensate employees competitively relative to the industry and local labor market. We work to ensure full compliance with applicable wage, work hours, overtime and benefits laws. In addition, we are committed to ensuring that fair compensation, fair labor practices, and safe working conditions are upheld throughout our supply chain.

Sprout Social follows global guidance provided by the following organizations:

Safe and Healthy Workplace

The health and safety of our employees is of the utmost importance. We are committed to maintaining a healthy and safe workplace that is free of recognized hazards and is compliant with our workplace safety policies and procedures as well as applicable health and safety laws and regulations. We take reasonable measures to identify, control, reduce and remediate risks of workplace hazards, injuries and illnesses in order to provide a safe and healthy environment for our employees.

Workplace Security

We believe that employees should be treated with respect and dignity and work in an environment that is free from harassment, violence, intimidation and other unsafe conditions or threats, whether external or internal. We implement security safeguards to help protect the safety, security and well-being of our employees and maintain company policies and reporting procedures to encourage employees to speak up, without fear of retaliation, about concerns they may have.

Political Spending

We respect the rights of our employees to hold different political viewpoints. We encourage our employees to support their political party affiliation, candidates of their choice, and voting in local, state, and federal elections. As a company, Sprout Social does not financially support or endorse any political party or candidate (either directly or through a political action committee). Through our Code of Ethics and Conduct and global anti-corruption policy we enforce our rules on political spending.

Forced Labor, Human Trafficking, and Child Labor

We prohibit the use of all forms of child labor and forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, military labor, modern forms of slavery and any form of human trafficking. This is reflected in our Modern Slavery Statement.

Conflict Minerals

Due to the nature of our business, Sprout Social does not in any way utilize conflict minerals to manufacture (or contract to manufacture) any goods.

Are you aware of a violation of this policy or have any questions?

Please raise any violations or questions to your manager, the People Team, or the Legal Team.

Sprout Social, Inc.
Adopted September, 15 2021